Fix: Desktop Icons are Missing in Windows 10

Originally published at: Fix: Desktop Icons are Missing in Windows 10

Windows 10 was launched months ago, marking a significant change in UI over time. In Windows 10, Microsoft eliminated a number of GUI bugs found in Windows 8. The reintroduction of the start menu, a feature desperately requested by users, was a major change. In addition to the start menu, numerous modifications in the GUI…

This worked for me as well.

Try this:
“right clicked, clicked on “View” and “Auto arrange icons” - and out of nothing they reappeared! Haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere, but it is worth a try for anybody still having this problem…”

You are a hero!

ur advice really helped me

I had the same problem. I followed all advice I had found, nothing helped. Everything seemed to be as it should, but in a moment of desperation I right clicked, clicked on “View” and “Auto arrange icons” - and out of nothing they reappeared! Haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere, but it is worth a try for anybody still having this problem…

Right click the desktop, highlight view, then click at the bottom “show desktop icons”.

Thanks! Method #1 worked. My cats are always sitting on my mouse, and I guess this time they changed some settings. :slight_smile:

any other methods?

If Lennart’s method didn’t help then try this.

1. Kill “Windows Explorer” Instances from Task Manager then type following commands in CMD =>
CD /d %userprofile%AppDataLocal
DEL IconCache.db /a
2. Start “Windows Explorer” from Task Manager.

Thanks mate! I’ve been looking for this for so long!

Thank you, I was having a mini panic attack thinking my pc broke A stupid update did this. Wellp maybe it fixed the disappearing mouse pointer problem, hope so. (I have no driver to roll back a fresh install of windows, weee.) WHY do they do this? What evil compels Microsoft to dink around with our stuff? I don’t care i am saving for a mac even if I end up hating it at least they won’t pull this stuff. They better not…

just encountered this problem and your solution helped. thanks!!

This worked for me!