Fix: "Error 0x80010135: Path Too Long" Error on Windows

Originally published at: Fix: "Error 0x80010135: Path Too Long" Error on Windows

The error 0x80010135 appears typically when you enter a file name that is more than 260 characters in the File Explorer or WinZip. In some cases, however, it can also be caused due to incomplete installation of the targeted software.  In this guide, we have listed different troubleshooting methods that you can try in both…

I have been using Long Path Tool for fixing these issues. It has helped me a lot.

Long Path Tool. you can try also. It very easy to use. Most of the time I use this. This web content is just wow.

It’s great website. LongPathTool program is good.

God bless you. Getting the Windows Error: Destination path too long droves me crazy for years now. I had up till now to individually name each sub-sub-sub folder with a single letter or number in order to make the main folder able to be copied to another external drive.

Try using Method 4, It will enable the long paths for your computer.

I have found that if the filename has certain characters in it like “(” etc. it gives this error - The same files with just those characters removed copy fine regardless of total file length.

I suggest you try Long path tool is the very good

program for easily delete, copy & rename long path

files, error, unlock solution.
Try it and solve your problem.

Can “Long path tool” handle the long paths copied to Isilon ?
Can “Long path tool” copy the ACLs ?

I use Long Path Tool and it is working good with me

I highly recommend Long Path Tool it automatically deletes the folder you selected, including all its files and subfolders, regardless of their path length (even if they are in a network folder).

I am using Long Path Tool. you can try also. It very easy to use.