Fix: File Explorer Crashing After Right Click On Desktop in Windows 10

I did this and disabling all of the pink extensions caused the program to freeze. last second i managed to enable them again but the whole thing froze and was unusable

To me it was NVidia, after updating my GPU drivers the problem was gone

have you found the culprit?

yep same here

same here

i have the same problem as you, right click and then New, it crashes. I hope you can find the culprit so that I can fix mine as well.

I’ve tried disabling all 3rd party extensions Context Menu extensions as described yet Windows Explorer still crashes EVERY time I Right-Click and select New. I can select other options in the Right-Click menu like View and Sort By but not New… Anybody else have this problem??

If I find the culprit I’ll chime in again to let y’all know.

I encountered the same issue with my Asus laptop, and the culprit was also the app Convert to PDF from Foxit Software. I uninstalled the app for good as well.

Thank you so much, Kevin! Your solution works a hundred percent on my case!

Thanks a lot… Have been searching for the solution for days… U r a life saver :slight_smile:

I uninstalled Steam and now I can right click without Explorer crashing.

“Launch ShellExView by right-clicking on the application” But I can’t right click?

Awesome, I had this issue with brand new laptop and brand new Windows 10. By right clicking in windows explorer, especially in Dropbox folder explorer was crashing. This solved my problem. Thx a lot!

You saved my butt big time!!
Your procedures were straightforward, easy to follow, and fixed the problem quickly.