Originally published at: Fix: High CPU and Memory Usage by wsappx
Wsappx is a process that you will see running in the Task Manager’s process list. You might be wondering what this process is or you might be wondering why this process is causing a lot of CPU usage. You will notice that wsappx’s CPU usage increases and decreases randomly. Sometimes, it won’t be using any…
Can you try this?
I think you have Windows 10 Home, it doesn’t come with gpedit by default. You have to enable it using this article: How to Install gpedit.msc on Home Edition of Windows 10/11
After installing you can carry on with the steps above.
Windows 10 on my PC has no gpedit at all. Could not get rid of wsappx.
Try disabled Superfetch it helped me! So in your case, it’s method 3.
My issue is this runs every startup like clockwork. It runs along side a few other Service Host processes as well as Microsoft Software Protection Platform Service. I’d say maybe 5 in total will always run on startup and lasts for around 10-15 minutes. The total CPU usage without me doing anything but waiting for it to stop is ~15%. If I try to do anything my fans just annoy me and I stop and wait.
Here is a solution that causes basically no data loss only requiring that you may need reinstall some windows store apps. The problem seems to be caused by the store license database being corrupt. But since you are not able to stop the Windows Store service you need to start in safe mode. Then rename the folder “C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsClipSvc” to “C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsClipSvcXXX”. You can also remove it if you wish.
Then restart in normal mode and all will be fixed! Windows store will work properly if it wasn’t before most likely as well.
Thanks. Updated the method.
I am not a computer tech person, but if using gpedit, wouldn’t you choose Enabled insead of Disabled for “Turn off the Store application”?