Originally published at: Fix: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)
The application was unable to start correctly due to error 0xc0000142. This error typically occurs when users attempt to launch applications and games. According to our research, it appears most frequently with games and Microsoft Word applications. The error often indicates corrupted DLL files. However, it has not yet been confirmed that corrupted DLL files…
Where you downloaded Skyrim from?
Do you have an administrative account on the laptop?
It shouldn’t be if system files are repaired (over written) from a clean copy which you said you did.
You will need to do a repair install, or a reinstall since the system files are also corrupted.
it did not worked in skyrim
thanks a lot, method 4 helped with my skyrim
Then buy the game don’t use cracked copies
I tried everything, still face the same problem. Cant open Syndicate.exe
If someone still have this problem, just go to you bios, go to advanced settings and disable the cpu visualization. save the changes and restart. try to run the game, problem solved.
my laptop tells me access is denaid
My PC got memz trojaned because my brother thought it’d be funny doing it. I repaired it using a windows 10 cd disc is my PC still corrupted because of this?
You will need to do a repair install, or a reinstall since the system files are also corrupted.
Ironically Most of the fixes do not work because regedit itself is the program that will not start.
Thank you so much ! Everything worked with step 3 !
I tried everything, still face the same problem. Cant open call of duty black ops3.exe
problem resolved with method 3! Thank you!