Fix: You'll need a new app to open this calculator

Originally published at: Fix: You'll need a new app to open this calculator

Some users have been reporting getting the “You’ll need a new app to open this calculator” error when trying to open the built-in Windows calculator on Windows 10. Typically, when this issue is encountered, the same error is displayed when users try to open the Windows Store. As it turns out, the apparition of this…

The above is true, we don’t allow non-secure connections to our site. HSTS is enforced in order to protect users.

Fix your website, cannot connect with Firefox. “Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to because this website requires a secure connection.” “ has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.”


I had this issue with several machines, some apps from MSStore were “marked” as corrupted,

The simpler way to fix is by deleting all keys in HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppModelStateChangePackageList

Or even the folder

Try from a eleveted command prompt reg delete HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppModelStateChangePackageList


new methods have been added

Where are the new methods as nothing mentioned above works for me.

We’ve updated the article with new methods.

None of this works.
Method1. The powershell thing went through some progressions, but after, no same error.
Method2. No Microsoft.Calculator_* folder in packages
Method3. No Calculator after search
Anyone know of a method where to download a simple calc.exe that works? without all these silly non-working hoops to jump through?