How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0xc1900200?

Originally published at: How to Fix Windows 10 Update Error 0xc1900200?

The 0xc1900200 error code appears when the user tries to upgrade from an older Windows version to Windows 10 using the Windows Update Assistant utility. This can occur when trying to upgrade from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. In all cases, the installer indicates that every requirement is met but for some…

Open cmd and type in “net use y: /delete” this will remove the mapped drive and you can continue to map it as indicated in the article.

Great article, easy to follow and solved my problem.

What error do you get when you type Y:

When I right-click on the 100MB Healthy (EFI System Partition) I can’t choose “change the Drive Letters and Paths” button. I can’t click on any of the options, they’re all gray. What do I do?

OK so I used a USB key and changed its drive letter to Y, then going through the steps you suggested but i can’t get the syntax right on this “icacls . /grant administrators:F /t ”. I got my username MACHINENAMEmyusername but keep getting an invalid parameter error if i enter tha. do i use <> either side? or “” or just the myname part? I tried all the combos i could but could not get it to execute.

Try this:
Open cmd and type in “net use y: /delete” this will remove the mapped drive and you can continue to map it as indicated in the article.

Can you elaborate?

Try the methods suggested in this article:

When I get the compatibility report It says “One or more of the Windows Updates parts are configured incorrectly” What should I change now?

When I open system(Y) i only see 1 file called bootmgr i can view hidden files and folders, but o know there are other stuff in this partition. Why can’t i see them?

i have same problem…says Y is already mapped to a network share or local path. In order to see the volume after the operation you must remove the current mapping

Hi I am having the same error, there is not option for drive letter, only path and tying Y will say no path found. How do I go ahead with that?

Have you tried rebooting and testing?

icacls . /grant administrators:F /t

try replacing administrators with your username

Hi Kevin, thanks for this article - I’m having this problem. I can’t follow your instructions as my Windows 10 will not allow me to create the Y: drive. When I right click and then try to add a new drive i get the screen below which only has one option available. putting Y: in there doesn’t work either. Hope you can help - I’m stuck on a really old version of W10 because I can’t upgrade!