How to Fix Windows Cannot Be Installed on Drive (0)

Originally published at: How to Fix Windows Cannot Be Installed on Drive (0)

To install your operating system, you need a drive or partition available to copy all of the files. This drive or partition needs to have a partitioning system. This system can be saved in two different ways: MBR, which stands for Master Boot Record, or GPT, which stands for GUID Partitioning Table. Your partitioning system…

I suggest you to wait at least 30 Minutes then if that doesn’t work it means that the files aren’t loading properly I suggest you to simply remove the Installation disk and try a new one.

If the disk finally shows up in the Windows Setup after method 4 of cleaning the partition, but when I press “Next” on the “Where do you want to install Windows?” screen it freezes, what should I do?

i did all the methods,didnt worked either ,then i got frustrated and pressed “refresh” on disk selection window and it worked

Hey Elissa,

It seems like you have tried to convert a different Disk. We specifically mentioned that change the “Disk 0” to the disk number you want to convert. It seems like you have lost all the data you had in that Disk partition. Do you have the backup of your data?

I tried all of these but they didn’t work, but then disk 0 didn’t show up in disk list or in the window to select where to download it. Now the installer doesn’t load either?

Thanks Kevin you help me, not just this time either I recognize your beautiful face from other articles too, I think for linux os too!

Thanks for the guide. Method 4 worked for me.

Thanks, selecting the uefi boot option get the installation started for me. Thank you again for saving me lots of time.