Fix: BSOD Error atikmdag.sys on Windows 10

Originally published at: Fix: BSOD Error atikmdag.sys on Windows 10

The Blue Screen of Death is a nightmare for Windows users, and no one wants to encounter it. Microsoft has been trying its best to rectify errors by providing regular updates, but there are still many issues causing Windows to crash. Many people have reported a Windows 10 BSOD error caused by atikmdag.sys while upgrading…

Damn!! That helped a lot!! After trying so much to fix the automatic repair loop and BSOD nothing worked. But you addressed the issue nicely. The solution was simple. Thanks a lot Kevin

Hi there,
So I managed to get to step three however I don’t get an option to uninstall when in programs and features, when I attempt to change the install manager I get an alert telling me that Windows Installer service isn’t available in safe mode.
Not sure where to go from here, or if this thread is still open.
Thanks for any tips in advance

Thank you very much Kevin . You 've been a big help. 2 weeks I bother to solve this problem. every time you open a browser , I get a blue screen. Thank you

Thanks I tried a bunch of solutions to fix my lenova getting a blue screen and the error almost immediately after starting and this work perfectly!

as i new from hp that this kind of laptops has two GPUs Intel and ATI and ati driver is for both of them

Can you share the driver for HD4200 if possible as I upgraded to windows 10 and my graphic drivers are not working.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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Hello Kevin, are you still active on this thread ?

hey i do the same thing and when im installing again the intel and the amd from the official site the screen goes blue again help please

I would suggest that you submit this as a new question on so i can assist directly.

So to summarize this; when you manually installs it returns that error?

Yes. I want to see if it automatically installs it.

Right click on it; and uninstall it. Then reboot and test.

hey.installed it but this error happened?

ok now i did whats next?

I know that. Did you disable the driver update?

Disable windows from automatically updating here: see here Windows Update: FAQ - Microsoft Support ; then uninstall the ATI Driver and let it run on Intel HD and see if it stills reports the error.

am getting this VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE(atikmpag.sys)

let me give it a try and will report back.
thanks in advance