Fix: One or More Network Protocols are Missing on this Computer

Thanks, after a couple of weeks being frustrated to fix my laptop when w10 platform mess up my pc found out this winsock command.

works for me, I’m really grateful

it works, but after few minute it happen again. i used method num 4. after reboot. did i need to save anything or make any changes?

I bought a brand new laptop with Windows 10 already pre-installed and I’ve had this issue since day one! I need to restart my computer constantly before it can connect to the network and other times, certain web pages won’t open

After trying most of the solutions the one that worked for me was uninstalling the avast anti-virus.

I tried all of these except 5 because I couldn’t find the file to delete in regedit. Anyone have any suggestions?

One of your program appears to be playing with the settings. You should try a clean boot (search this site for the clean boot instructions)

Ok so I did this and it worked. But after about 1-2 hours it comes back and I have to do some steps again or just restart my PC to make it go away. Its so hard doing anything on my PC that requires internet because it always disconnects me and gives me this error when I troubleshoot. If someone has a solution please help me.

It is almost June 2016, and I just encountered this problem. Has there been an “official” reason and solution for this? Three out of my four laptops are suffering from that, and I waster 24 hours trying to resolve it. Help would be appreciated.

Method 4 worked for me! I’ve had this problem for two days now, I’m glad I finally found a resolution. Thank you!

Ohhhh! Thanks a lot …for me winsock reset worked…m happy now

It may be possible. You can enable proxy, and disable vpn to confirm.

i’ve used 10000 ways before to fix this issue. finally fix it by turning off manual proxy which is mentioned nowhere but in your article…I register an account to say thank you so much…btw, is it the fault of my vpn software?

Thank you sooooooo much

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Out of all the solutions I found on the Internet, this is the only one that work. I’m not am IT person, I know nothing about computers but your steps were so easy to follow. I used the method 1 and 2. It worked! It actually worked. I am an extremely satisfied customer. You get 10 stars from me

Before some update, about a week ago. I tried rolling it back to before the update, and no luck. Internet works fine on all other devices.

Hi , I have started facing this issue recently after the latest upgrade of Windows 10 on 21st April 2016. Till that time things were just fine. With the recent upgrade, the network wont connect at all whether over Ethernet or WiFi. When I restore it to the previous point, everything works fine. Then when I shut down and restart, it is back again! So everyday for the past 2 days, I am restoring to earlier build and then working. I got Windows Support to work on this over remote connection and they hid some updates and tried. But no luck! This happens only on my desktop, all other devices connected to the same router works just fine. Next reboot, I will try the fixes suggested here and see whether it solves the problems without having to restore to earlier point. Thanks for the great Guide

Microsoft has one massive problem on it hands this fix does not work for me, Microsoft does it again @~#'!*^% cock up.

Thanks! but it still keeps happening.

I am having no luck with this issue. I first noticed this because I cannot connect to the windows store and I cannot print on my schools wireless printer; I looked into the task manager saw some instance of “proxomitron” so I ran malwarebytes and found <80 issues which were removed. Since removal of the PUPs I encounter this error more often than not, so I restored the unwanted programs.
I cannot complete method 5; the reg string ends at codeidentifiers. I added in the key "0" with no luck: I still cannot install a new TCP/IP protocol due to group policies. Any other things I can try?