Fix: One or More Network Protocols are Missing on this Computer

Thank you. I added it as Method 8 in the guide.

From my win 10 Start menu》Settings》network》 proxy》manual proxy settings

From a command prompt admin, execute the following command and then test
netsh int ipv4 install

i seem to be only getting this when i connect using an Ethernet cable. and when i try most of the options being suggested here, it will fix it for awhile then it’ll just be back again after a few minutes. also when it does comes back it will only be loading on selected sites.

Do a system restore to a point when it worked fine.

Try changing the encryption. Possible that your network adapter doesn’t support the current encryption.

Yes I tried that already but it did not work either…

Try creating the path

Hi, for the method 5 I can’t find the full path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowssafercodeidentifiersPaths” . On my computer it stops at "
What should I do ?

Microsoft has one massive problem on it hands I see a lot of people are having this issue

What step are you stuck at whilst performing method 5?

Hi Kevin, thanks for your tips but no luck for me today. Trying to delete the first folder you indicate, i get a message ‘Cannot delete Microsoft: Error while deleting key’ and the second folder - i don’t have the folder ‘CurrentVersion’ under the path you describe (or it has a different name).

Click on “Start,” type “regedit” in the search box and press “Enter.” Once the registry opens, right-click on “Computer” at the top and select “Export.” Depending on how many registry keys you have this may take a few minutes.

Save the backup that you created to a removable storage device in the event that you need to access it. Click on “Start,” type “regedit” in the search box and press “Enter.” Click the arrow next to the primary registry key labeled “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” to expand the registry key.

Navigate to the “Software” folder and click on the arrow next to the folder to expand the contents. Click on the arrow next to the “Policies” folder. Scroll down to the “Microsoft” folder under “Policies,” click on the folder to highlight the folder and press the “Delete” key on your keyboard.

Click on the arrow next to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” to collapse the folders. Navigate registry key folder labeled “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” and click on the arrow to expand the folder. Locate the “Software” folder and click the arrow to expand it. Double-click the “Policies” folder, click to highlight the folder labeled “Microsoft” and delete the folder.

Click the arrow to expand the “Microsoft” folder located in the “Software” folder of the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER” registry folder. Click the arrow to expand the “Windows” folder. Double-click the “CurrentVersion” folder to show “Group Policy Objects” and “Policies.” Delete both of these folders.

Exit the Registry Editor and restart the computer. After the computer restarts, the Domain Group Policy will no longer be in effect.

Okay so I got stuck for hours trying all these fixes and this is what worked for me with ethernet issue:

  1. Disable IPv6 in ethernet adapter settings
  2. Disable and re-enable ethernet adapter
  3. Go to cmd as admin and type netsh winsock reset
  4. SHUT DOWN pc not restart
  5. By some miracle it works

I don’t have the registrh path that I need to delete bypass the group access block. My path ends at codeidentifiers. I lease help.

Was it working fine yesterday?

I tried your suggestions… And it worked for me for a few minutes…but again I am having the same issue…can you please help me out

Winsock reset plus shutdown worked for me.
Thanks a lot

I solved my problem by disabling second DHCP server which I had in my local network (one on router and one on AP). Maybe the one I disabled had wrong config, I don’t know.

You can try that.