Fix: Temporary Profile issues in Windows 10

no, boot into safe mode, create a new account and then copy data from your old profile to the new account.

Did you remove the “.BAK” from the end of your profile in the registry method and then relogged into the computer?

I’m sorry but we haven’t created a video upon this matter, you can tell me the step at which you are facing an issue and i will guide you.

If the temp account has been deleted the files should have been deleted along with it.

You have to delete the “.bak” from the end of the file. Read the steps again and more carefully.

You have to login through the builtin adminsitrator account that we unlocked in step 1.

Hi! I already did every solution, and found no errors or corruption…and already fixed the Local Disk. I still get logged into the temporary profile. May I ask if there is another way to fix this? Please and thank you!

I have a problem i didn’t update my windows and when i started it it put me in a temporary profile then i saw on youtube it said go to regedit and delete the temp one i did and then remove the .bak from the original but the temp file keep coming so someone said in comments don’t remove the “.” so i didn’t delete it this time i was all confused still i am confused then i restarted and then it made a new account not temporary this time i went to disk c then users and took all the c drive data from my original user to this new account but microsoft store nothing was working not even news and all that stuff then i backed all my data in d and e drive then i tried to delete this new account i made but it won’t let me delete i am really stuck please someone help me

So what if it’s a domain account I can’t log in to? It doesn’t even create a key in the registry. The only profiles are the local admin account, which works fine, and the TEMP account.

Part of the solution 2 worked for me. Domain user, could not login with his domain profile, system was logging him in with temp one all the time. Win 10 pro with Server 2012 environment.

  1. Regedit to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList
  2. Find profile in question. Should have .BAK extension
  3. Right click that entry and select RENAME
  4. Delete ONLY .BAK (not the user)
  5. Restart
  6. Login with problematic user credentials

So 1 and 2 did not work do I am currently copying from C:usersMy profile name. So after I delete that folder and delete both S-1-5-21…paths how do I get my account set up again? Through safe mode?

The main problem is that as can’t run anything as admin. When i try to open cmd as admin, a dialogue box appears and there is no ‘yes’ option, but only ‘no’ option.

Hello! Solution #2 worked very well! Thanks!

After restoring my computer on solution 2, i tried login in but my computer wouldn’t accept my PASSWORD, it says it’s incorrect!
Any help would be appreciated

Thank you so much!!!solution no 2 worked for me…

Hi. I tried doing solution 1 which resulted to a never-ending buffering welcome page. I removed every external devices just like you’ve suggested to others. What else should I do? Need help!

Thank you so much! Option number 2 worked for me without needing to do the extra steps. I feel incredibly relieved!

try a system restore from safe mode.

One restart helped me to solve this problem. Luck and nothing else!

Can you try a system restore to the point when it was working, search this site for the restore guide.