How to Solve the Operating System Version Is Incompatible with Startup Repair?

Originally published at: How to Solve the Operating System Version Is Incompatible with Startup Repair?

Although Windows 10 is the most recent iteration of the Windows Operating System, it is far from the most perfect one. Windows 10 users all across the globe have been plagued by tons of different problems, one of them being the dreadful “This Operating System version is incompatible with Startup Repair” loop. This is a…

Solved, there was some option while installing W10 via USB, which had nearly the same name, but with some word difference, which was able to finish clean installation → all OK now, thank you for your time.

No idea, no chance to check it, but i assume its 32 bit, its some really cheap HP notebook. Managed to get into bios and booting is UEFI, legacy disabled.

Which Windows architecture you were using on Windows 8? I suggest you install the same architecture for Windows 10 as well. Also, is your boot mode UEFI or Legacy?

Have you tried Installing Windows 8? Also is your USB Installation 32 bit or 64 bit?

At advance boot option. Select disable malware.

This works for me wow!

“this option is not supported on the operating system you’ve selected”. and “startup repair you need to sign in as an administrator but there aren’t any administrator on this PC”. please explain this problem…

When I boot my laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate, I get blue screen DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors like 0x0000000A, 0x0000000D1, and others (I did not take down the error numbers!) In the beginning of time when error started coming, it stayed at the blue screen, but now, laptop restarts without properly displaying even the blue screen error.

  1. Safe mode - Does not work
  2. Safe mode with Networking - Does not work!
  3. Last Known Good Configuration - Does not work!
  4. Debugging mode - Does not work!
  5. Windows 7 OS Start-up repair tells that the version of Windows 7 Ultimate OS is different from the Start-Up repair!
  6. I tried with Windows 10 ISO images, but the laptop did not boot from the USB even though I selected USB boot option!
  7. I tried with Windows 10 DVD, but the laptop took hours and hours without even showing the start-up repair screen/window!

Same problem. Installed Win 10 updated and bam system can’t restart. Rest OS all was well. Updated and bam again. Piece of crap OS. Thanks Macro$uck for wasting 3 days of my time trying to fix this BS!

Since you cannot get to boot into the system, don’t do the reset until data is backed up.

You only need a 2.5" disk enclosure, so you can take out the hard disk from the laptop, connect it to any other PC and move the data to it.

Then you do the reset, and move the data back via USB etc.

got only W10, W8, wchich is apparently on PC cant boot either. For W10 i got both versions on external usb disc.

Got my W10 installation on USB HD, want to make a clean reinstal but everytime i choose the correct bit version of the W10, the instalation process just tell me there is an error 0cx0000359 - system couldnt be loaded, required files missing or are broken. Thats all.

Hello, hope somebody will notice this, but I came to same problem as Mr. Capó, quoting" I tried to run the “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement”, but it doesn’t do anything. My laptop keep rebooting. Windows doesn’t load and blue screen appears with the “Automatic Repair/Restart-Advanced options” again"
SrtTrail.txt is saying Operating System Version Is Incompatible with Startup Repair and im stuck in this repair loop, not even booting from ext disc work, i got error 0xc0000359, safe mode for booting also not working, everytime i get stuck in the blue screen with automatic repair stuff.
All this happened after i tryied to update W8 to W10, wchich did not go well, obviusly…

Any help lads?

Try the solutions suggested in these articles:

Back up your data and reset the computer entirely by completely deleting Windows and reinstalling a new one.

I would suggest that you first back up your data, and the easiest way to resolve this issue is that after backing up your data, you do a system restore or a reset and then run reimage. Since data is the most important stuff, it’s best not to run any software or do anything else unless data is backed up. You can try booting into safe mode, if that doesn’t work then get a disk enclosure and take the hard disk out, use that to move data to another pc and then do a reset.

In your case, reimage won’t help. I would suggest that you first back up your data, and the easiest way to resolve this issue is that after backing up your data, you do a system restore or a reset.

Hi. I tried to run the “Disable Driver Signature Enforcement”, but it doesn’t do anything. My laptop keep rebooting. Windows doesn’t load and blue screen appears with the “Automatic Repair/Restart-Advanced options” again and I don’t know what to do. I want to try the “Reimage Plus”, but I don’t know how to use it. I can download it using my cellphone, but I don’t know how to run the program from my cellphone to my laptop . I’m a photographer and I don’t want to lose my data, photographs. I’m very frustrated.
Thank you,

Thank you very much.

I was thinking on buying an external hard drive. Any chance to move all my files from my affected laptop to the external hard drive? (It’s any possibility to use the External hard drive connected to my affected laptop and move all files?).

By the way, I saw an option called “Reset this Pc”. It let’s you reinstall or refresh Windows without deleting files, photos, music. Should I trust this option?

Anyway. I’ll buy an external hard drive and wait until you write back.

I’m very grateful to you.
Thank you for your help.


For 0xc000021a error, try the steps listed at How to fix error 0xc000021a in Windows 8 and 10